
This document includes a project description, online syllabus, feasibility write-up and rubric, and an impact paper guideline and rubric.


W. Edwards Deming said, “It’s not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.” This is critically true of entrepreneurship, and to best prepare our students, we must integrate activities and assignments that encourage them to know what to do and then do their best. Gathering evidence through research, sense-making through divergent and convergent thinking, and building solid arguments via “the pitch” or “the sale” are key to both knowing what’s best and subsequently doing what’s best. As part of this project, I integrated, developed, and disseminated E&A concepts and assessments as described below.

Integrate. I worked to incorporate E&A concepts and modules within the entrepreneurship curriculum and integrate these concepts and modules with the AACSB standards of engagement, innovation, and impact. This will provide dual-benefit for our students, as they will be utilizing these E&A concepts in an active, innovative learning environment via hands-on activities that provide an opportunity to make an impact on their learning, career trajectory, and the community.

Develop. The development of rubrics and assessment tools for each entrepreneurship course, which analyze the impact these modules have on student learning, will be key to understanding truly whether our students are learning how to gather information, think critically on that information, and make decisions that they can soundly justify based on their research and synthesis of information.

Disseminate. This project created an E&A ambassador to the Management Department and College of Business to assist other faculty with incorporating E&A concepts, modules, and assessments into their curriculum.


Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
