


Matthew A. Tucker1, Matthew S. Ganio1, John D. Adams1, Lemuel A. Brown1, Christian Ridings1, Jenna Burchfield1, Blake Robinson1, Jamie McDermott2, Nicole E. Moyen1, Brett Schreiber1, Tyrone Washington1, Andrea Bermudez1, Meredith Bennett1, and Maxime Buyckx3; 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas; 2McDermott Nutrition, Fayetteville, Arkansas; 3The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Georgia.

Few studies have examined how drinking fluids of varying composition may affect hydration status in healthy, free-living adults. Further, relatively little is known about how hydration status is affected when increasing fluid ingestion with various beverages. PURPOSE: To investigate the hydration status of healthy, free-living adult males when given varying volumes of different beverage types. METHODS: Thirty-six healthy males (age 24±5 y; height 177.7±8.2 cm; mass 75.1±11.4 kg) volunteered for this study. Subjects were randomly divided into four treatment groups for two weeks of testing: water only, water+cola, water+diet cola, or water+cola+diet cola+orange juice. Volumes of fluid were split evenly between beverages within each treatment. Each week consisted of 24-h of testing in which food was provided. Total fluid consumed (including moisture content of food) was equivalent between treatment groups. Week 1 total fluid ingestion over the 24-h period was 35 ml/kg body mass; week 2 total fluid ingestion was 40 ml/kg body mass. At the beginning of each 24-h testing period, equivalent hydration status was confirmed via serum osmolality (Osmserum; 292±5 vs. 291±5 mOsm, for weeks 1 and 2, respectively; p >.05). Urine was collected over the 24-h period and analyzed for osmolality (Osmurine) and volume (Volurine). Osmserum and total body water (TBW) via bioelectrical impedance was collected and analyzed after 24-h of beverage intervention. RESULTS: Per the protocol, total beverage consumption, independent of treatment increased from week 1 (1721±384 ml) to week 2 (2096±437 ml) by 22±2 % (375±57 ml). There was no effect of beverages on hydration differences between weeks (i.e., no interaction; p >.05). Independent of week, there were no hydration differences between beverage groups (p >.05). The increase in fluid consumption between week 1 and week 2 did not change TBW (43.7±5.5 vs. 43.5±5.2 kg), Osmserum (292± 4 vs. 293±5 mOsm), Osmurine (599±221 vs. 561±217 mOsm) or Volurine (1526±624 vs. 1621±651 ml) (all p >.05). CONCLUSION: Regardless of fluid volume consumed, there were no differences between the beverages in providing adequate hydration over a 24-h period in free-living adult males. This suggests that the fluid contained in various beverages is equally effective in hydrating the body.

Funded by The Coca-Cola Company.

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