


Sidney N. Patrick1, Sloane A. Montgomery1, Kimberly D. Beard1, Nicholas J. Spokely1, Shawn M.F. Allen1, Spencer Cagg1, Diego Diaz-Vega1, Bryson F. Trask1, & Breanne S. Baker1

1Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

Exercise benefits older adults by lowering fall risk, maintaining activities of daily living, and expanding lifespan. Previous studies have shown positive correlations between self-efficacy and exercise; however, more research is needed in older adults. PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate the effects of an 8-week, resistance-training program on older adults’ self-efficacy and functional health. METHODS: Twenty older adults (62±8 yrs) provided voluntary informed consent prior to engaging in the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy (SSSH) program. SSSH has eight resistance training movements targeting all major muscle groups during 60-minute sessions, twice weekly for eight weeks. Functional health assessments include gait-speed over 10 meters (10mWT) with and without cognitive challenge, 30-second sit-to-stand (30STS), five times sit-to-stand (5STS), standing medicine ball toss (SMBT), timed-up-and-go (TUG), back scratch, and sit-and-reach (SnR) were performed pre/post SSSH. Additionally, validated questionnaires on self-efficacy for exercise, falls efficacy, physical activity (min/wk), and sleep quality were completed. Paired t-tests with Bonferroni corrections were used to assess change over time and Cohen’s d effect sizes were calculated. Pearson correlation was used to observe relationships between self-efficacy and other questionnaire results, α=0.05. RESULTS: Paired t-tests with Bonferroni corrections showed the whole group improved sleep quality, 10mWt without challenge, 30STS (Figure 1-A), SMBT (Figure 1-B), TUG, and SnR (Figure 1-C) over time (all p≤0.01, d ≥0.3). Further, high self-efficacy scores were positively correlated with total physical activity and aerobic activity (r≤0.68, p<0.01) and negatively correlated with fear of falling (r=-0.53, p=0.02). CONCLUSION: The data reveal that SSSH can improve self-efficacy, physical activity habits, and functional health in older adults, suggesting that the program is efficacious.

Figure 1.docx (28 kB)
Figure 1

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