"Changes in Power Output During Competitive Football Season" by Quentin C. Posey and Joe W. Priest


Changes in Power Output in NCAA Football Linemen During Competitive Season.

Posey, Q., R. Cole, and J. Priest, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX 76402


Measuring power is a practice currently being developed by researchers. An available tool is the TENDO Weightlifting Analyzer (TWA). Although the TWA is a common research tool, there is little published research. The purpose of this study is to analyze OL and DL power output during in-season football.


Experimental Approach

Seventeen NCAA division II football players in the Lone Start Conference were monitored during organized in-season weight training workouts. TWA measured and recorded their last set of squat. Bio feedback provided by the TWA was used to analyze each group.


Seventeen NCAA division II football players (Age 21.1 ± 4.6 yrs, Ht. 1.6 ± 0.01m, Wt. 123.1 ± 7.4 kg , BMI 35.3 ± 3.2 kg.m-2), volunteered for the study, and had previously trained at least twice per week for 12 weeks. Subjects were familiarized with the TWA and squat protocol during pre-season.


All subjects were required to lift four times a week. On the third workout of every week subjects back-squatted. All subjects completed a standardized warm-up. Subjects determine their own lifting weight. Researchers monitored squats and emphasized bar speed. The TWA was attached to the outside of the bar and measured average power (AP) and peak power (PP) output. Measurements were uploaded from the TWA into TENDO Sports Machine computer program and exported to Microsoft Excel®.


Repeated measures ANOVA revealed no change in AP (F(3,45)=0.996, p>.05), change in overall PP (F(3,45)=15.3, p<.001) across 4 measures of the competitive season. No group interaction for AP (F(3,45)=.488, p>.05), but PP by group interaction (F(3,45)=6.07, p=.001).

AP 1 (W) AP 2 (W) AP 3 (W) AP 4 (W) PP 1 (W) PP 2 (W) PP 3 (W) PP4 (W)

OL 911 ± 136 910 ± 124 850 ± 89 893 ± 19 1507 ± 251 1775 ± 258 1207 ± 141 1690 ±142

DL 947 ± 214 905 ± 184 904 ± 184 880 ± 110 1605 ± 343 1728 ± 487 1637 ± 317 1801 ± 215

Table 1. Average (AP) and Peak Power (PP) of Offensive (OL) and Defensive Linesmen (DL) During Competitive Season.


The competitive football season produced normal bumps, bruises, and sprains which impacted the results obtained from bi-weekly measures of AP and PP. The observed changes in PP were attributed to the changes in peak bar velocities for this instantaneous measure, whereas the stability of AP was explained by the less volatile factor of average bar velocities.


Organized in-season weight training activities are effective at maintaining power output of offensive and defensive linemen.



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