

ABSTRACT Resistance training is a valuable exercise modality but few tools exist to aid practitioners in refining resistance exercise prescriptions. PURPOSE: To determine if a relationship exists between strength and selected body composition variables measured by DEXA; and if so, develop equations which predict total body and regional strength. METHODS: Sixty-eight subjects (Male n = 34, Age = 35±11.96yrs, Height = 181.54±6.76cm, Weight = 97.82±16.68kg, Body Fat = 31.24±8.12% | Female n = 34, Age = 37±12.6yrs, Height = 165.41±5.64cm, Weight = 80.55±18.48kg, Body Fat = 43.00±10.16%) underwent DEXA body composition testing and maximal strength testing utilizing Keiser® pneumatic resistance exercise equipment. Regional strength was assessed on seven different lifts: leg press, chest press, leg curl, lat pull-down, leg extension, triceps push-down, and biceps curl. The sum of the seven lifts was considered a measure of total body strength (TBS). Multiple linear regression (step-wise removal) was used to predict TBS and regional strength from: age, height (cm), weight (kg), lean mass (kg), fat mass (kg), and percent body fat. RESULTS: Height (cm) Weight (kg) Lean Mass (kg) Body Fat (%) Constant Correlation Coefficient SEE Total Strength -15.049 49.552 1657.592 R2 = .747 293.776 Leg Press -10.889 2.210 22.049 1291.683 R2 = .689 151.146 Chest Press -1.116 -0.658 4.974 101.797 R2 = .746 25.750 Leg Curl 3.583 -17.974 R2 = .678 30.461 Lat Pull-down -0.494 -0.796 4.917 48.997 R2 = .780 24.811 Leg Extension -0.684 4.261 -17.836 R2 = .662 31.388 Tri Push-down -2.968 7.385 -2.706 495.841 R2 = .564 73.997 Biceps Curl 0.291 1.233 -0.433 -51.421 R2 = .739 11.981 CONCLUSION: DEXA body composition measurements are correlated with, and are shown to be significant predictors of total body and regional strength. Data obtained from DEXA body composition measurements are a useful tool which may aid practitioners and the general public when maximal strength testing is ill-advised or impractical.



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