"Tibial Rotation Strength Post-Hamstrings ACL Reconstruction" by Giampietro L. Vairo


Ipsilateral hamstrings tendons harvest as a primary autograft for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction has become increasingly prevalent among orthopaedic surgeons. Though, limited evidence exists detailing ensuing knee joint performance capacity. Previous authors have reported that ipsilateral semitendinosus and gracilis (STG) harvest results in significant tibial internal rotation strength deficiencies for related patients (1,2). However, prior data in regards to this measure have been reported as absolute as opposed to relative indices of strength and have not produced endurance results. Therefore, our objective was to profile relative tibial internal rotation strength and endurance responses to STG harvest in ACL reconstructed patients 12 to 36 months following surgery. Based on prior research findings, we hypothesized STG harvest would elicit tibial internal rotation strength and endurance deficits.



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