


B.A. Ellis, A. Wells, and M.M. Smith

California State University, Chico, CA

It is currently understood that aerobic exercise training can decrease central arterial stiffness, whereas resistance training may increase central arterial stiffness. Recently, high intensity power training (HIPT) has grown in popularity, and the effect of this novel training on central arterial stiffness remains unknown. PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of HIPT on central pulse wave velocity (cPWV) in healthy young men and women. METHODS: Subjects were randomized to a control group (N=10) or training group (N=23). The training group participated in HIPT training three times a week for 8 weeks. Following the 8 weeks of training, each subject completed 4 weeks of detraining, or cessation of structured HIPT. Each session consisted of a combination of multi-joint exercises such as the squat, deadlift, and bench press, along with Olympic movements such as the clean, jerk, and snatch, as well as other functional exercises that were completed for time, or as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP). PWV was measured using applanation tonometry at the carotid and femoral arteries at the outset of the training, and again eight weeks later. A 30-second recording of each site was simultaneously obtained for later analysis. The foot of each arterial pulse wave was marked, a time difference was calculated, and finally averaged into a mean time value. The cPWV was calculated using eighty percent of the distance between measurement sites divided by the mean time value. RESULTS: In the control group, cPWV did not change from pre- to post-training (6.61 m/s vs. 6.46 m/s; P=0.18), or from post-training to detraining (6.46m/s vs. 6.52 m/s; P=0.559), whereas cPWV increased in the training group between pre- to post-training, but was not statistically significant (6.09 m/s vs. 6.47 m/s; P=0.163), and significantly decreased between post-training and detraining (6.47 m/s vs. 5.92 m/s; P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that there may be unfavorable cardiovascular adaptations associated with participation in HIPT absent a traditional aerobic training component. However, repeated cessation and resumption of HIPT could mitigate unfavorable effects associated with HIPT. Further research using an extended training period or a more robust sample size is indicated to find a significant conclusion.

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