
Creation Date
Sabbath morning Sept. 21st/62
You will no doubt begin to think now that this letter is long enough but as we did not leave last night, and I did not get it mailed this morning, I felt like writing some more, although these details of camp life may not be interesting to you.
This morning we had a new order given, viz “prepare for inspection.” And then we had to put on our dress coats, brush our pants & pack up, and strap our knapsacks on and put our cartridge box, take our guns, & form in line in front of our quarters. When our Officers inspected our arms, examined our cartridges, and knapsacs. We are to have preaching today at 11 Oclock by the Chaplin. I should like very much to go to Louisville to church but that is an impossibility as we can get no passes. We have been living very well since coming near Louisville as the camp has been thronged with women selling pies, cakes, Bread, apples, peaches, &c which they generaly sell very reasonable, much more so than the sutler does. He has been very much inclined to fleece the boys when he can, charging very high for things, He sells 4 ginger cakes for .5 cts, 3 crackes for a cent a small bottle of ink is .10 cts. & other things in proportion. thus you see the, apple women interfered considerable with his trade, and now they are not allowed inside of the lines, but the boys can buy them across the gard line.
[written across top of page]
P.S. There was lots of little boys like Jimmy & Naily to making themselves very usefull by filling the soldiers canteens, with nice fresh watter, while they were standing in the sun.
U.S. Civil War 1861-1865, Louisville, Kentucky, Exhibits