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. . . rebels had taken every thing but the posts that friends should take them and that I was trying to get boards to make the fence for my meadow. He called for his horse and at length found that the posts had been taken two miles and he made the ones who took them, shoulder them and carry them
on their backs, and reset them.
The most of the land around Bowling Green is without fences. It is very difficult to get fencing and many are afraid to build fearing that soldiers may pass through and burn the fences again The past week a company camped over night on my meadow with their horses and split about a dozen cedar posts for kindling. Our house and garden suffered but little whilst Gen Buckner was here. They took as good care of it as could be expected. Almost every thing of value was sent to the country. The papering of the house was soiled a good deal, plastering injured some, stair carpet worn out and out of doors nothing seriously damaged. Gen B did not turn his cow into the flower garden. The gates would be left open some times and the cow may have been in there as well as . . .
Exhibits, U.S. Civil War 1861-1864, Bowling Green, Kentucky, strawberries