Diary entries by Clarence McElroy during his trip to Asia.
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At Nikko but saw 2nd secty & found him a very pleasant young man. He got form from Japan Gov. permission to go into Imperial Palace at Kyoto. He says there is no bad feeling in Japan gst [against] U.S. except that the Japs feel somewhat burnt that the U.S. treats them with so little consideration when they go to America – a very ----- feeling. Said the way Tokyo had treated the social evil had been successful. All are confined to certain fixed boundaries & an inspector ---- well by the Govmt Also went to Chamber of Commerce & had a pleasant visit(?) with the ----- of the Club
Aug. 19
Left Tokyo at 10 80 (?) & got to Yokohama at 11:30 The Mongolia sailed for America at 3 PM & many left on her
Aug. 20
Spent most all day at Am. Consul General Mr. Miller & examined pretty well the Civil & Criminal Code of Japan. Met there a young Japanese who took me at about the Court system of Japan as follows
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1st Court of ------ Supreme Court 7 Judges
2nd Six Courts of Appeal 5 Judges each
3 District Courts one in Each Prefecture (45 in all)
3 Judges for each Court
The District Courts have jurisdiction of all crime & civil jurisdiction up to 200 yen
4 Besides these Courts There are several hundred inferior or “local” Courts (1 Judge) which have jurisdiction when amt is less than 200 yen. Also if misdemeanor, granting charters to commercial cis. (?) granting ----- ---- or ----- settling rights of succession & etc.
He says the House of Lords is comprised of about 190 members (no salary) & House of Commons is House of Representatives of 360 members. The Lords are not elected; Reps are by the people. All males over 25 who pay a direct tax of 15 yen per year(?) can vote. Told no. of voters less than 1 ½ million Taxes are numerous & high. 1st Land tax 2nd House tax graded according to size 3 Income tax 500 yen 1% graded up to 10000 yen which is 20% 4 Succession (?) tax ---- graded 5% if son is heir 15% for others 5 Business (?) tax graded
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