Diary entry for Thursday, April 8th - The Liberté
What a mad scramble this morning was. Me up at 7, bathe, dress and down to breakfast at 8. I only had to finish up the over night bags after breakfast..
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Diary entry for Thursday, April 8th - The Liberté
What a mad scramble this morning was. Me up at 7, bathe, dress and down to breakfast at 8. I only had to finish up the over night bags after breakfast. Ed took all of our bags & Nell's in one cab over to the Pier. Dr. Arthur Hunt had come down to see us off - so he & Nell & Duncan [Hines] & I went in one cab. While Dottie, Roy & Adelaide followed us. Everything looked like a madhouse to us. Nell, Duncan & I went one way & the visitors another. We got to our Cabin and found every one here already. Peg came in in a few minutes laden with bundles including orchids. We had everything all set up for drinks & Roy had brought along some Champagne. We had to go up on deck to get our pictures made for news photographers & Ed also gook some for Roy. Such running back and forth as we did hurting poor Duncan's leg terribly. Sam & Henryetta Peck finally got here for a few minutes & brought me an orchid. Everyone was gone after 11 a bit and we went up on deck shortly before 12 to watch us pull out, only we didn't. We didn't leave until after 4. We had lunch and did not like our table, so during the afternoon we had it changed. Also changed the sitting as they had us down for the second ant [and] it was too late.
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