Summer Shade Institute was founded in 1873 by Prof. R.E. Grinstead, who erected the school buildings and conducted the institution successfully for two years. In 1875 the school property was purchased..
Summer Shade Institute was founded in 1873 by Prof. R.E. Grinstead, who erected the school buildings and conducted the institution successfully for two years. In 1875 the school property was purchased by Prof. J.W. McD. Moore, who remained in the school as principal until 1877, at which time it passed into the charge of Benjamin Shirley. In the spring of 1886 it received from the Legislature a liberal charter, conferring many privileges which materially enlarge its sphere of usefulness. Among the various provisions of the charter is one forbidding the sale of intoxicants within two miles of the school. This provision the trustees and principal join in enforcing, and the result is that the school is entirely free from the evils growing out of intemperance. The growth of the school has been slow, but sure. Now its permanence is assured. The attendance is not large, never having exceeded a hundred; but our pupils are of the best class, and do the best kind of work. Those who attend school with other motives than study and self improvement usually go elsewhere. See Summer Shade Institute Catalog for more information.