Contents: Officers for 1923-33 Greetings Editorial Comment Proceedings of the 1932 Convention Resolution Adopted at the 1932 Convention Report of the Legislative Committee Secretary's Financial Rep..
Contents: Officers for 1923-33 Greetings Editorial Comment Proceedings of the 1932 Convention Resolution Adopted at the 1932 Convention Report of the Legislative Committee Secretary's Financial Report Financial Report on KNEA Track Meet & Pageant 1932 KNEA Membership by Counties One Hundred Percent City Schools The First, Last & Greatest of School Room Problems Louisville Municipal College Reports Growth New President at Lincoln Institute of Kentucky KNEA Kullings 1932 Rosenwald Day in Kentucky School Libraries Reported by the State Library Commission Greetings for 1932-1933 The officers and directors of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association extend greetings to the fifteen hundred and fifty teachers in Kentucky at the opening of the school year of 1932-1933. We wish for you the largest possible happiness in the coming year’s work. Conditions have been trying this past year. Many of us have been disappointed in our income and have been compelled to live on greatly reduced budgets. This results in many instances in a lowered morale and in a poorer quality of work. This is no time to slump. Good work builds morale and we need morale today more than we have ever needed it before. There are discouraging periods in the history of nations and in the history of Commonwealths. This is a lean period for those of us who work in education. The real test of an institution or of a school system, after all, is not how it goes into a lean period in education but how it comes out of it. We can make the year 1932-1933 the best year in our history if we set our hearts and minds to the task. One of the outstanding projects of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association is the undertaking of a five hundred dollar payment to the Kentucky Educational Commission, which Commission plans to survey the colored schools of Kentucky as well as the white. President Atwood at Kentucky State Industrial College is one of the leaders in this project and he, along with K.N.E.A. officers, earnestly request the teachers of Kentucky not to fail to make this contribution possible. The Kentucky Negro Educational Association can meet this obligation with no additional burden to any teacher. The only request is that each teacher be sure to pay his annual dollar fee to the K.N.E.A., sending it early in the school year in order that the first payment on this pledge can be made. This will also make it possible for the K.N.E.A. to publish its regular journals and prepare with assurance for the meeting in Louisville, April 19-22, 1933. State Superintendent Richmond is deeply interested in the progress of Negro education in Kentucky and in the maintaining of higher standards for the colored teachers of Kentucky. He has a splendid attitude regarding our state schools and is co-operating in every way to make these institutions of the highest type. Let us unite with him in this program as far as colored schools are concerned. May we all work together to make this school year the best in our educational history.