Contents of journal: Editorial Comments Cover Picture Dowery, R.L. The President's Letter Fields, Harry. Guidance in Negro High Schools of Kentucky F.B. Simpson, Elkton to Head TDTA for 1952-54 Smit..
Contents of journal: Editorial Comments Cover Picture Dowery, R.L. The President's Letter Fields, Harry. Guidance in Negro High Schools of Kentucky F.B. Simpson, Elkton to Head TDTA for 1952-54 Smith, Leslie. Our School Newspaper - Drakesboro Community High School Miller, Vernon. Vocational Teachers & Public Relations A.R. Lasley Presented for KNEA Presidency Dr. Givens, NEA Head, Retires - Associate Secretary Named to Top Post Book Nook Pennyrile District Y-Teen Clubs Meet at Western High KNEA Kullings Cover Picture This issue's cover carries a picture of new Western School, Owensboro, Kentucky. The school, built at a cost of approximately $200,000, twelve classrooms, administrative offices, health room, teacher's lounge, cafeteria, Science department, a library and facilities for the teaching of business education and home economics. In addition there has been erected a trades building in which agriculture and industrial arts are taught.