Map of Cumberland Matheny Cemetery part of the Barkley Dam reinterment. This map was created in order to properly identify all graves to be moved prior to the creation of Lake Barkley. Burials liste..
Map of Cumberland Matheny Cemetery part of the Barkley Dam reinterment. This map was created in order to properly identify all graves to be moved prior to the creation of Lake Barkley. Burials listed on the map include: Baker,FamilyBirdsong FamilyBleidt FamilyBrayboy FamilyCalhoun FamilyCherry, A.J.Crute FamilyDunnagan, FamilyFerguson FamilyHarper, BettyHaskin FamilyHooks FamilyHowell, LoisJones FamilyKelly FamilyLampkin FamilyLuton FamilyMcCloud Family Meredith FamilyOakley, IvaPeal FamilyPogue FamilyPollard, IdaPrescott, BettySears FamilyShelby FamilySnyder, OraStephens FamilyThompson, MancieWallace, FamilyWilliams FamilyWyms, QueenYarbrough, Asa