Oral history conducted by Lisa Miller regarding Earl Wassom's life and work at WKU as well as information regarding the Margie Helm Library and Cravens Graduate Center & Library. 0:00-10:00 family background, World War II service, courtship 10:00-17:00 education, marriage, minister, early career 17:00-22:30 WKU interview, Raymond Cravens, Dial Access Center 22:30-26:00 research library, Kelly Thompson, construction of Cravens Graduate Center & Library, budget, Harry Largen 26:00-34:00 Library of Congress subject reclassification project, main frame computers 34:00-37:00 WKYU-TV, Charles Anderson, Media Center, Tate Page Hall, Third District Lending Library 37:00-40:00 library administration, Sara Tyler, Margie Helm, Florence Ragland, Michael Binder 40:00-42:30 library computerization 42:30-46:00 Kentucky Building, Julia Neel, Gayle Carver, Riley Handy 46:00-52:00 Wassom's administrative style 52:00-58:00 Margie Helm recollections 58:00-1:08:00 Kentucky Building collections 1:08:00-1:14:00 ghost stories, faculty meetings, Sarah Thompson, faculty wives 1:14:00-end dress codes, western artifacts, retirement party
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