College Heights Herald article:
Western students enjoyed another gym dance last Saturday night. It was estimated that over three hundred were in attendance. These hops, officially sponsored by the Western dance committee, are the high points in the social activities of this institution.
Everyone seemed to be in a victorious mood - after the defeat of the T.P.I. - [Tennessee Tech] so that swingsters and swayers "swung out" against the background of Roy Holmes' smooth music. The band featured Russ Dougherty's "hot" trumpet with Jean Payne and Brent Logan as vocalists. Holmes has a reed section that is very good. Mark McDunn is especially versatile with his trombone.
The climax of the evening came when the musicians eased out the Western Cheer Song.
Coaches and their wives, faculty members, football players, cheer leaders, politicians, out-of-town guests and just plain students were present, and in goodly numbers.
Hail to the dancers! May their tribe increase.
This is in stark contrast to 1920 when the First Baptist Church chastised WKU for sponsoring a dance and Henry Cherry corrected the misinformation. The dance in question was sponsored by individual students, not the school. In 1931 Mattie McLean reported to the president of Western Carolina University that it was not the practice at WKU for "young men and young women to dance together."
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