College Heights Herald article regarding homecoming queen candidates with photo of contestants:
The general election for class officers and homecoming queen was held October 11, in the Student Center.
Seniors elected J. Russell Ross to the office of president. Elected to the office of vice-president was Jim Jackson. Dianne Howard was elected secretary and Mike Roberts was elected to the office of treasurer.
Carson Culler was chosen president of the Junior Class. The office of vice-president was won by Morris Miller. Bessie Jones was chosen for secretary and Joan Sagabiel will be treasurer.
Sophomores elected Ken Duncan president. Larry Hall will hold the office of vice-president. Secretary will be Ann Greenwell. Bill Pardue was elected treasurer.
The Freshmen class president is Lynn Arnold. George Gregory is vice-president. Joan Covington was chosen secretary and Rich McClure will be treasurer.
The Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors selected two coeds from each class as finalists in the Homecoming Queen elections. The six candidates are: Seniors - Marilyn Cates, home economics major from Louisville, and Wanda Steenbergen, physical education major from Glasgow. Juniors - Pat Norman, commerce major from Glasgow, and Sylvia Terry, Spanish and English major from Paducah. Sophomores - Christine DeVries, English major from Bowling Green, and Sandy Marshall, English and elementary education major from Covington. Final election of a Homecoming Queen will be held Thursday, October 25, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in the Student Center, and the results of this election will not be known until the official coronation of Her Majesty at 1:50 p.m. immediately preceding the Western - Eastern Kentucky Homecoming tilt on Saturday October 27. All students and faculty are invited to vote for the candidate of their choice.
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