


Megan Ford, Huntington Davis, Daniel Carrol, Jesse Harvey and Dr. Steve Burns; University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO

Nutritional supplementation of caffeine as a pre-workout additive has become a widely used substance to enhance anaerobic and aerobic performance, especially in physically active individuals. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of caffeine on anaerobic and aerobic exercise. METHODS: Ten physically active male individuals in the ROTC program at the University of Central Missouri were recruited to perform two Wingate tests, 48 hours apart. One trial they ingested a supplement with caffeine (MiO Energy) and the other trial with the placebo (MiO Liquid Water Enhancer), which did not contain caffeine. Subjects then performed two tests using the Astrand submax single stage bike protocol to estimate VO2max, 48 hours apart in which one trial they ingested the caffeinated supplement and one trial without caffeine using the placebo. RESULTS: The anaerobic testing used the 30-second Wingate test at approximately equal peak power outputs for caffeine ingestion vs. the placebo (1099.00 watts/kg±1.51, 1094.64/kg ±1.51 respectively). The mean VO2 max testing were 3.25 l with caffeine versus 3.48 l using the placebo CONCLUSION: The hypothesis that the ingestion of caffeine as pre-workout supplements having a positive effect on anaerobic performance but does not help aerobic activity was not supported by the data. Wingate testing measurement of peak power indicated no significant difference using caffeine versus the placebo. The results of the aerobic testing indicated equal mean VO2 max levels for caffeine ingestion vs. the placebo.

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