


Sidney Wickwire1, Brandy Schneider1, ATC, & Greg Williams2, ATC, CSCS

1Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri; 2Cleveland University-Kansas City, Overland Park, Kansas

PURPOSE: Athletic injuries are an unfortunate aspect when playing at competitive levels. While musculoskeletal and physical rehabilitation is the primary focus after an injury, the psychological health of an athlete should be considered. Psychological readiness is an assessment that determines if an athlete is in a correct state of mind to participate at their intended level. Lack of confidence and increased fear and anxiety further increases likelihood of re-injury. METHODS: Eighteen participants completed a survey consisting of the modified ACL-RSI, the modified Psychological Readiness to Return to Sports Scale, demographic questions, and an honesty question. All participants had a previous time-loss injury and returned to play prior to taking the survey. RESULTS: The readiness to return to sport surveys appear to be injury specific and are not interchangeable (r=.077). The surveys appear to be injury specific and did not highly correlate in regards to fear of being reinjured when returning to play (r=.23). Frequency scoring determined readiness to play confidence, which aligned with the assessment scoring. When asked about being honest on a psychological readiness return to sport survey if it hindered their play status, 63% reported would not be honest. Just 8% reported a 100% overall confidence in returning to play after a musculoskeletal injury. Only 13% reported a 100% confidence level of returning to play with no pain after a musculoskeletal injury. Only one reported being able to play without focusing on the injury. When returning to full participation, 67% reported a fear of re-injury occurrence. CONCLUSION: Injured athletes may be physically ready for participation, but psychologically lack confidence in the healing process and focused on the previous injury. Decreased confidence levels can lead to future injury. Preliminary data indicated the modified ACL-RSI could not be used as a readiness to return to play assessment for any other injury.

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