


Tina Pulley2, Dimitrije Cabarkapa1, Damjana Cabarkapa1, Nina Adanin2, Nicolas Philipp1, & Andrew Fry1

2Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO; 1University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

The countermovement vertical jump (CVJ) is one of the most commonly used methods for neuromuscular performance assessment in the applied sports setting. However, despite a rapid increase in the popularity of 3x3 basketball, no research to date has examined the CVJ profile of these athletes and whether it is different than the 5x5 basketball players’ profile. PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study was to compare force-time metrics during both eccentric and concentric phases of the CVJ between 3x3 and 5x5 basketball players. METHODS: Following completion of a dynamic warm-up procedure, 10 3x3 (hgt= 193.6±3.9 cm; wgt= 100.8±6.6 kg; age= 23.5±4.8 yrs) and 11 5x5 (hgt= 195.5±4.1 cm; wgt= 98.8±9.0 kg; age= 24.3±4.7 yrs) professional male basketball players performed 3 CVJs with no arm swing (i.e., hands on the hips) while standing a uni-axial force plate system sampling at 1000 Hz (ForceDeck Max, VALD Performance, Brisbane, Australia), with 15-sec rest between each jump trial. The dependent variables examined in this study were jump height, reactive strength index-modified, and eccentric and concentric mean and peak force and power. Independent t-tests were used to examine statistically significant between-group differences in each dependent variable (p<0.05). Hedge’s g was used to calculate the effect size magnitude. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences were detected in any CVJ force-time metrics of interest during both eccentric and concentric phases of the movement. Moreover, both groups displayed similar jump height and reactive strength index-modified values (Table 1). CONCLUSION: The findings of the present investigation indicate that 3x3 and 5x5 basketball players have similar CVJ profiles. This may be largely explained by the need of both groups of athletes to complete similar on-court basketball-specific tasks (e.g., rebounding, shooting), despite the differences in the court size, number of players, and game regulations (e.g., 12-sec shot clock).

Table 1.docx (13 kB)
Table 1

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