


Mariad Cocke1, Sara Snow1,Craig Cunningham2, Nicole Moodie2 Derek Wassom3 & Patrick Moodie3

1University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; 2Rockhurst University, Kansas City, Kansas; 3Dynamic Athletics Research Institute, Lenexa, Kansas

A single leg squat is a movement used to help determine a person’s everyday function or mobility. Understanding the variables that change as performance increases could help healthcare professionals better understand what exercises are needed to help maintain function and mobility. PURPOSE: The purpose was to evaluate data on a large population for single leg squats to better understand what variables change and how they can affect global population health. METHODS: Data from three different locations, 4,571 left and right single leg squats were examined. Collection was performed using a marker-less motion capture system which allows for datasets to be combined. The subjects’ squat depth was used to determine performance and based from there they were placed into one of four performance zones (0-25%, 25-50%, 50-75%, 75-100%) based off the population’s mean (50%). Within zones, 18 variables were tracked. A MANOVA (p RESULTS: Ankle, knee, and hip ROM were significantly different increasing in all groups along with the net joint torque also increasing significantly at each level. The largest percent change between groups was ROM at the knees. Femoral internal rotation decreased (1-16.95°, 2- 14.99°, 3- 13.77°, 4- 11.28°) while tibial internal rotation increased (1- 4.21°, 2- 5.72°, 3- 7.36°, 4- 14.07°) as depth increased. Both were significant in all groups. Valgus angle had no significant difference in any group. Finally hip abduction increased with depth and was significantly different in all groups. CONCLUSION: It is known that ROM increases at the ankle, knee, and hip to attain a deeper squat. Furthermore, valgus angle did not change, and has no impact on performance which is contradictory to previous performance outcomes. However, with femoral rotation decreasing and tibial rotation increasing as depth increased, it should be noted that these variables do contribute to the control of performance and can be lost with valgus by the human eye. This study suggests that these variables should be used when designing a healthcare plan to increase squat depth for global population health. Further research should be done on this movement as well as other movement types for this application.

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