


V Andrews


Victor AndrewsƗ1, 1Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

Individuals who fail to acquire adequate competencies in regards to physical activity may develop barriers that limit physical activity later in life. Physical literacy(PL) is a descriptive that is used to measure one's competence, confidence, and motivation in regards to physical activity. The goal of PL is to have all youth to be considered competent by 12 years of age in order to allow them to be physical active throughout their life-course. PURPOSE: To investigate the perceived physical literacy levels of college aged students. METHODS: The Physical Literacy Self-Assessment was distributed to college aged students to measure perceived PL through e-mail and social media. RESULTS: 94 college students responded (21 ± 3 years, 38 male, 56 female). SPSS vs 24 was used for frequency analysis and two independent samples t-test. Perceived PL scores were then divided into 4 graded categories: Very Low, Low, High, Very High. 49% of respondents were placed in the "Very High" category, 47% of respondents were categorized at "High", 3% of respondents were categorized as "Low", 1% of responded was categorized as "Very Low". The results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between the PL score for male and females (t= 1.881, p= 0.63). CONCLUSION: The goal of PL is to have all individuals meet the criteria to be considered "Very High". Individuals graded into categories other than "Very High" are considered in need of further education and support until they are perceived to be competent in all elements of PL. PL is still a new concept within the USA. Further research is needed to better understand PL within the USA population and relationships with current physical education levels in college aged populations.

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