


Kory Ford1, Elijah Farrales1, Noah Hutchinson1, Luke Komotos1, and Brian Snyder1

1Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri

It has been postulated that a carbohydrate mouth rinse can activate oral receptors to increase motor output, leading to an ergogenic effect during exercise. Studies have investigated the effect of mouth rinsing during muscular strength and power tasks with conflicting results, and the effects have been suggested to be more robust when exercising in a fatigued state. PURPOSE: In this study we examine the ergogenic effects of a carbohydrate mouth rinse by assessing muscular strength in a glycogen-lowered state. METHODS: Thirteen moderately trained (52.0 ± 4.6 mL/kg/min VO2 peak; 23.0 ± 6.0 years; 24.4 ± 1.8 BMI) male athletes initially completed baseline strength, watt max, and VO2 max tests followed by a full familiarization trial. Experimental trials were completed in a double-blind randomized crossover design of either non-caloric artificial sweetener (PLA) or 10% maltodextrin (CHO) mouth rinse for 10s. Glycogen lowering was achieved using an established glycogen lowering protocol consisting of intervals on a cycle ergometer until fatigue occurred at 70% watt max. This was followed by 3 x 5s isometric knee extensions and 20 isokinetic extensions/flexions at 180 degrees/second to assess primary outcome measures. RESULTS: The isometric extension test resulted in no significant difference in average peak torque between treatment conditions (PLA 185.5 ± 41.9 Nm/CHO 183.4 ± 49.0 Nm) with no order effect between trials. Similarly, the isokinetic extension/flexion test showed no significant difference in average peak torque over 20 repetitions (PLA 105.5 ± 23.0 Nm/CHO 109.1 ± 25.2 Nm) with no difference between decay of torque by assessing 5 rep averages between treatments. CONCLUSIONS: It was determined that the CHO mouth rinse had no significant ergogenic effect on muscular strength. This suggests the CHO mouth rinse did not produce a sufficient neuromuscular response to significantly increase motor output in our fatigued participants.

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