


Constance Haynes1, Cara Daniels1, Larissa Boyd1, Melissa Powers1

1University of Central Oklahoma

With the increase in sedentary behaviors, workplaces are using new ways to improve activity by giving employees the option to stand while working. However, research has not fully examined the impact of workplace wellness initiatives on participants’ perceived freedom to participate in leisure activities. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a sit-to-stand (STS) workstation intervention on leisure function over 12 months. METHODS: Faculty and staff volunteers from a university (N=42) were randomly assigned to a control group (n= 18) or STS group (n=24). STS participants were required to stand at the desk for a minimum of two hours per workday. The Leisure Diagnostic Battery (LDB) was used to assess perceived freedom in leisure. The LDB includes is a 24-item survey regarding social comfort, environment, decision making, and communication with others. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze results. RESULTS: No significant differences were seen between groups (F1,40=.17, p= .68). A significant time effect did occur among all groups (F1,40=.17, p= .04). The CG decreased by .08 points, while the STS group decreased by .11 points. CONCLUSION: Participants in both the CG and STS group felt less free to engage in leisurely activities. However, this decrease was minimal and could be due to the time of year the survey was administered or simply the participant’s environment lacking recreational opportunities. Other research has shown that workplace activity interventions may have a negative impact on time spent in leisure pursuits outside of the workplace. Research of a longer duration is necessary to determine if this decrease would continue.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This project was funded by the University of Central Oklahoma, Research and Sponsored Programs office.

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