


Jason Sartor1, Justin A. DeBlauw1, Brittany S. Hollerbach1 and Katie M. Heinrich1

1Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

High-intensity functional training (HIFT) temporally combines aerobic and resistance exercise at relative high intensity levels. Functional workouts include varied exercises that simulate movements of daily living to improve overall fitness. Traditional weight training (TWT) focuses on progressive sets and repetitions of resistance exercise performed both with free weights and machines. Training includes both multi-joint (squat) and single-joint (arm curls) exercises to improve strength. Comparing these courses may provide a better understanding of expected fitness outcomes from HIFT and TWT. PURPOSE: To compare effects of HIFT and TWT on power, strength and muscular endurance in college students. METHODS: Participants (n = 95) were enrolled in 8-week TWT or HIFT fitness courses. Baseline and posttest measures were completed by 83 participants (87.4%; TWT: N = 35, age = 22.6 ± 4.11 years, body mass = 78.3 ± 21.4kg; HIFT: N =48, age = 21.2 ±3.1 years; body mass = 77.2 ± 14.6kg). After completing a standardized warm-up, participants completed measures testing lower body muscular power (vertical jump), strength (handgrip dynamometer), and muscular endurance (2-minute timed push-ups and 1-minute body weight squats). Within (paired) and between (independent with change scores) samples t-tests were conducted using SPSS 25. RESULTS: Significant improvements were seen for squats in both groups (HIFT +3.9 ± 5.5 reps, t = 4.86, p < .001; TWT +3.8 ± 5.3 reps, t = 4.29, p < .001) and push-ups in TWT (+4.3 ± 4.5 reps, t = 5.67, p < .001). No significant changes were found for power or strength. Independent samples t-tests revealed no significant differences between groups. CONCLUSIONS: After 8-weeks of either HIFT or TWT participants significantly improved muscular endurance, with no significant differences between groups. More direct measures of strength (e.g., 1 rep max testing) should be examined in future research along with longitudinal changes in fitness comparing different training modalities.

ACKNOWLDEGMENTS: This project was funded through Experiment.com

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