


Elizabeth Bjornsen1, Caleb Burruss1, Kaitlin Gallagher1 ;1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Multiple-monitor configurations are typically used to improve job productivity. While performance improvements are associated with the use of multiple and large monitors, the biomechanical implications remain unclear. PURPOSE: Determine the effects of six monitor configurations on neck axial rotation. METHODS: Seventeen graduate students from the University of Arkansas participated in the study. Participants committed to 6sessions where researchers applied reflective motion capture markers to the head and neck during50 minutes of computer use. Each visit, participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 6 monitor set-ups: a 24” single monitor, two 24” monitors centered on the subject, two 24” monitors with the subject centered on the left monitor, a 34” curved monitor, two 24” monitors with the right monitor in portrait position, and a 24” monitor with a secondary laptop. Participants completed five tasks using each configuration-monitoring information, referencing information, drag-and-drop, creating a PowerPoint, and replicating an image. Median neck axial rotation and range of motion were calculated for each task within each monitor configuration. One-way repeated measures ANOVAs with a repeated factor of monitor condition were run on the median angle and range of motion measures for each task. RESULTS: There was a significant main effect of monitor configuration for median neck axial rotation and range of motions for monitoring information, referencing information, creating a PowerPoint, and replicating an image (p<.001).Median neck angle was oriented neutrally for the 24”, 34”, and two 24” monitors which was statistically different from the right-oriented neck angle for the laptop, portrait, and left monitor centered designs(p<.05).For axial rotation range of motion, the 24” and 34” displays produced significantly lower ranges than laptop, two 24”, left-centered, and portrait for three tasks(p<.05). CONCLUSION: Generally, monitors centered on the user resulted in more neutral neck angles and required less range of motion versus off-centered configurations; however, the results are task-dependent. Future research will identify if the larger monitors result in improved performance, while also preserving neck position.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This study was funded by the Office Ergonomics Research Committee.

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