


Damjana V. Cabarkapa1, Dimitrije Cabarkapa1, Andrew C. Fry1, Chloe A. Myers1, Grant T. Jones1, Michael A. Deane1

1University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

Although women’s basketball is one of the most popular team sports worldwide, biomechanical parameters of elementary shooting motions remain underexamined in the scientific literature. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine differences in kinetic characteristics of 2-point (2P; 5.20 m) and 3-point (3P; 6.75 m) shooting motions and how they change with different types of shooting approaches. METHODS: Twenty-two females (height = 167.8±7.8 cm; weight = 76.8±4.4 kg; age = 23.1±2.6 years) performed a total of 1320 shots. Each subject attempted 30 2P and 30 3P shots using stationary, step-in left-right and step-in right-left shooting approaches. Each shot and shooting approach were separated by 5-10 sec and 1-2 min rest intervals, respectively. Peak concentric force (PCF), peak landing force (PLF), impulse (IMP), rate of force development (RFD), and vertical jump height (VJH) based on the flight time were measured using a force plate and data acquisition system (BioPac MP150, Goleta, CA). MANOVA with follow-up ANOVAs were used to determine statistically significant interaction and main effects (p < 0.05). RESULTS: Detailed results are presented in Table 1. No significant interaction effect was found between the shooting approach and distance. PLF, IMP, and VJH were significantly greater for 3P shooting distance (p < 0.001, p = 0.013, p < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The type of shooting approach had no impact on the kinetic parameters of any shooting motion. An increase in 3P PLF may be due to landing from higher VJH. While no significant increase in PCF was observed with an increase in shooting distance, based on Newtonian physics (IMP = force x time = mass x ∆ velocity), significant increases in IMP and VJH may be attributed to the greater change of momentum. Applying similar forces over a longer period of time and executing shooting motion at greater velocities may be a potential mechanism female basketball player use to cope with an increase in shooting distance.

Table 1.docx (165 kB)
Table 1

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