


Joshua R. Lucas1, Nicholas J. Spokely1, Jason D. Wagganer1, FASCM, Jeremy T. Barnes1, & Monica L. Kearney1.

1Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO

Stress fractures are a commonly reported injury in collegiate athletes, but they are reported at a higher rate in cross-country runners (CCRs) compared to other collegiate athletes. Implementing resistance training exercises may aid in preventing fractures by enhancing bone density and strength. However, it is unclear whether weekly time spent resistance training (h/wk) significantly affects bone mineral content (BMC) in division I collegiate CCRs. PURPOSE: To assess whether BMC differs according to time spent resistance training in division I CCRs. METHODS: During preseason, 18 division Ⅰ CCRs (male=10; female=8, age 20 ± 1 yrs.) selected the weekly training time category that best described their resistance training routine during the previous 6 months. Then, BMC was assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Category options for weekly time spent training in the previous 6 months were < 1 h/wk, 1-2.59 h/wk, 3-4.59 h/wk, 5-6.59 h/wk, and > 7 h/wk. After screening data for normality, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to compare the effects of the different weekly time categories on BMC. RESULTS: The athletes’ BMC was 6.20 ± 1.11 g. The most selected time spent training was <1 h/wk. Weekly training over the previous 6 months did not have a significant effect on BMC, F(4, 13) =1.47, p=.267, η=.312. CONCLUSION: Findings from this analysis indicate that different weekly time categories do not produce significantly different BMC measures in division I collegiate CCRs. A limiting factor of this study was allowing athletes to self-select the estimated h/wk in the previous 6 months as opposed to completing documentation of participation throughout the duration of the 6 months. Future research should consider implementing rigorous documentation protocols during the time that athletes are participating in resistance training. Furthermore, future research should investigate the impact other components of exercise prescription for resistance training (e.g., frequency intensity, and type) might have on BMC in division I CCRs.

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