


A. Erickson & T. Panetti
Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN

There are many different ways of training in the sport of swimming, two general training techniques are distance swimming and sprint swimming. Maximum lung capacity (Vital Capacity or VC) is increased through both types of training, though it is unknown about which specific type of training has a greater impact. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of different variations of swimming training on college level athletes to see which produces the highest vital capacity. This study will include 20 subjects randomly selected from the Gustavus Adolphus swim team. Ten females athletes and ten male athletes will be selected, five distance training women, five distance training men, five sprint training women, and five sprint training men. The subjects will be half way or more through their collegiate swim season for the year. A parallel group design will be used to compare the two groups (distance and sprint swimmers) in this study. Subjects will engage in a test to measure their maximum lung capacity after completing half or more of the collegiate season. Each subject will inhale till their lungs are full and fully exhale into a spirometer. The test will be conducted twice for each person and the differences between distance and sprint swimmers will be averaged independently by gender. Independent variables in this study will be the distance training program and the sprint training program. The dependent variable in this study will be vital capacity. The spirometer results will indicate that there is no significant difference between the two training group lung capacity (p < 0.05).

NACSM Professional Sponsor: Bruce Van Duser

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