

Like Das et al.’s study (2018, TJACSM), studies over the last decade or so have shown that many health care providers have low knowledge of peer-reviewed physical activity guidelines (PAGs, e.g., Barton et al., 2021, Physical Therapy in Sport; Douglas et al., 2006, BMC Public Health). One remedy may be educational videos. PURPOSE: This presentation details a process to create a short, interactive, educational video to train health care providers in how to advise clients in a manner consistent with PAGs. METHODS: Over a four-month period (January to April of 2021), the second author developed a video summarizing the results of one peer-reviewed research article, which examined the extent online material matched US. PAGs at least once on average (Thomas et al., 2020, TJACSM). Methods described in the article to judge if advice matched PAGs were used to create an interactive exercise for the video. Canva and Excel were used to visually summarize key results from the research article to elicit understanding. Editorial feedback was provided by the first and third author. An oral slideshow presentation was developed in PowerPoint and narrated using a typed transcript. The presentation slides were converted into a video using the Screencast-o-Matic recording software. A checklist based on guidelines for “distraction-free” and “plain language” presentations was used to revise the video. The first author confirmed the accuracy of all content. Feedback on the clarity and utility of the video was requested from 14 undergraduates/alumni working in the first author’s lab, using a 100% optional and anonymous online survey (64% response rate, 7-day response window). RESULTS: After several iterations (PowerPoint slides & transcript = 4, video = 2), a less than 7-minute, interactive, educational video to help train health care providers to communicate PAGs was created (see Love et al., 2021, Cal Poly Digital Commons). The video was deemed clear and useful. Its features included English subtitles, a hyperlinked transcript, an interactive exercise, a summary slide with hyperlinked resources (QR codes), and a post-video review quiz (6 questions) with tailored feedback. CONCLUSION: Videos summarizing peer-reviewed research could be a viable way to improve provider PAG knowledge and communication. Future research in this area is warranted.



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