


Robert M. Czyzewski (1), Lauren C. Bates-Fraser (1,2,3), Lee Stoner (1,2,4), FACSM, Erik D. Hanson (1,2,3), FACSM. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.

Background: Lung cancer is the second most common cancer with the American Cancer Society estimating 236,740 new cancer cases this year. The number of lung cancer deaths are declining annually due to advancements in screening and treatment. However, there is limited literature regarding 24-hour activity behaviors including sedentary behavior (SB), moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and sleep. Healthy 24-hour activity behaviors contribute to secondary disease prevention and could be important potential intervention targets to improve lifestyle and quality of life in lung cancer patients and survivors. Therefore, the primary aim of the study was to investigate 24-hour activity behaviors in lung cancer patients and survivors. Methods: From 2020-2022, we recruited an online convenience sample of 14 participants with patients (49 ± 14 years, 82% non-Hispanic, 91% White, 91% college degree, 45% household income0.05). Conclusion: Although none of these participants are meeting the guidelines for MVPA set by the American College of Sports Medicine, the stark contrast in MVPA between patients and survivors suggest that treatment intensity may contribute to reduced MVPA. There are no differences in high levels of SB and participants are achieving recommended sleep. These preliminary data suggest survivorship interventions targeting SB reduction are needed for lung cancer patients and survivors. Funding: The University of North Carolina’s University Cancer Research Fund provided funding for data collection.

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