


Amanda M. Cuomo1, Joshua L. Keller1, Miranda K. Traylor1, Sylvie M. Gray1, Ethan C. Hill2. 1University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. 2University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.

Background. Applications of blood flow restriction (BFR) during exercise and rest have garnered interest in different populations. During rest it was demonstrated that men did not exhibit hemodynamic changes in response to bilateral BFR applied to the upper legs at a pressure of 120 mmHg. However, more common and inclusive practices would suggest standardizing the cuff pressure to the minimum pressure needed to occlude the relevant artery (i.e., arterial occlusion pressure [AOP]) as well as including women, especially considering previous studies have shown sex-specific responses. Therefore, our purpose was to evaluate hemodynamic changes at rest with BFR set to 40% and 60% AOP in healthy men and women. Methods. 29 participants (17 women, 12 men) participated in two separate visits each consisting of a 10 min resting period with either 40% or 60% AOP bilaterally applied to the proximal thigh. During the rest, skeletal muscle tissue oxygen saturation (StO2,%), heart rate (HR), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were assessed at baseline (0-min), the mid-point (5-min), and at the end (10-min). The StO2 was assessed from a randomized vastus lateralis (dominant or non-dominant) with a near-infrared spectroscopy device. A patient monitor was used to collect MAP and HR. For these measures,separate Cuff Pressure (40% AOP and 60% AOP) × Time (Baseline, Mid-point, and End) repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted. A p-value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results. There was a significant (p95%=2.4 - 7.7) lower StO2 value than 40% (59.5±7.7%). There was no significant (p>0.05) change in MAP or HR across time for either cuff pressure condition. Conclusions. These findings extended and strengthened previous reports such that here women were included in the analyses as well as relative cuff pressures were used. Specifically, we demonstrated that 40% and 60% AOP were not sufficient enough to evoke a change in homeostasis. Future studies should continue to explore sex as a biological factor and differences inherent to various cardiovascular reflexes such as the exercise pressor and/or metabo-reflex.

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