


BACKGROUND: Strength training is an important component of health as it can impact body composition and continued functional ability. This is particularly important to athletes as they constantly participate in physically demanding activities. Self-reported survey data are important tools used to assess physical activity. Seven-day recall of physical activity has been shown to be a valid and reliable measure. The purpose of this study was to compare fat-free mass (kg) and dominant handgrip strength (kgf) between those who self-reported strength training (SRST) in the last seven days and those who did not (NST). METHODS: 15 traditional-aged (18-25y), full-time female NJCAA student-athletes (13 soccer players and 2 volleyball players) at a rural, commuter-based, predominantly two-year university, were recruited during the pre-season. Surveys inquiring about basic demographics and self-reported physical activity were collected. Height (cm), weight (kg), and body composition (fat-free mass, tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance analysis, RJL Systems Quantum X) were measured. Athletes indicated their dominant hand and handgrip strength was measured (Jamar handgrip dynamometer). Participants were divided into two groups based on whether they self-reported strength training in the last seven days (SRST, n=6 and NST, n=9). Independent sample t-tests were used to determine if significant differences between the groups existed. The significance level was set at p<0.05. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between groups in fat-free mass (SRST=41.58 ± 2.40kg v. NST=42.66 ± 3.25kg, p=0.266) or average dominant handgrip strength (SRST=31.16 ± 3.50kgf v. NST=33.43 ± 3.98kgf, p=0.139). DISCUSSION: Although increased fat-free mass and handgrip strength are related to strength training, there were no significant differences between the two groups. This study relied on self-reported frequency of strength training with no indication of the intensity or duration. The handgrip strength values fall within the normative handgrip range (18-19y=32.5kgf, 20-24y=32.0kgf), indicating that the lack of difference may be a result of this apparently healthy population of physically active young adults. These data are preliminary from a larger multifaceted study. Additional participants may strengthen the results as the sample size increases.Supported by the Research and Productive Scholarship Grant.

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