


BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to assess brain wave function of collegiate Division II golfers during putting performance using a wearable electroencephalograph (EEG), heart rate monitor and incorporating neurofeedback intervention sessions. The EEG displays a frequency and graph to display which brain waves are dominant during each phase of the putt. Furthermore, with the use of the heart monitor strapped to the individual’s wrist we will be able to see the change in heart rate during each phase of the putt. Finally, the intervention session will be used to help the golfer from overthinking during the putt and reach a zone of optimal efficiency for putting. METHODS: This study will be conducted in the following manner: participants will be male and female collegiate college student division II athlete, golfers, age ranges from nineteen to twenty-four. Data will be collected by having a baseline test and then a post-intervention test in between testing each participant will go through two to three intervention sessions where the athlete will use neurofeedback to find their zone for optimal efficiency. Each participant will complete three rounds of putting from three different club lengths: three feet (two club lengths), four and half feet (three club lengths) and six feet (four club lengths) with a one-foot circumference around the hole to ensure accurate results at each distance the golfer will putt three times before moving on to the next putt. Each putt will be scored out of makes and misses. The criterion for makes is the golfer to have the ball in the hole on lengths three, four and half feet and getting the ball in the hole or within the circumference for a six-foot putt. While putting the individual will be wearing a portable EEG headband, wrist heart rate monitor. Participants will be asked to wait approximately eight seconds in between each putt to have accurate results and allow the individual to properly reset between each repetition. ANTICIPATED RESULTS: Based on prior research and the function of each brain wave. We should anticipate each collegiate golfer in the study to have a higher frequency of alpha waves which would result in physiological changes such as muscle relaxation, regulating breathing rate and decrease in heart rate. We should also expect to see a change in beta frequency because of its association with improved cognitive processing, reduction of worries and overthinking.

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