"Wall Sit Endurance Between Males and Females" by Taylor Martin, Kelsey Mullin et al.

Wall Sit Endurance Between Males and Females



Advisor / Mentor: Chelette, Amber (amber.chelette@sfasu.edu)

The wall sit exercise isolates the quadriceps muscles of the front of your thighs. The wall sit is often used for gradually building leg strength for walking and running. Muscles that are being used during this exercise or movement are the hamstrings and the quads. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare the muscular endurance of males and females by using a wall sit. Prior to the study, it was hypothesized that if we were to compare the amount of time men and women held a wall sit, the women would be able to last longer. METHODS: To begin, participants signed the informed consent and were made aware of the possible risks associated with our study. Researchers observed ten different people (5 males and 5 females) who have no lower body injuries and who are moderately active. These participants ages ranged from 19 to 25 years old. After leading the participants through a warm up, they got in the position to hold a wall sit. Each participant held the wall sit as long as they could two separate times. In between each wall sit, the participants had three minutes to rest and recover. The investigators used Onform to assure each person held their wall sit with their knees at a 90º angle. After collecting the data, the average of each individuals wall sits was calculated. Next, the researchers averaged all of the data for the girls and then calculated the average using the boys’ data. The data was then compared. RESULTS: On average, females can hold a wall sit longer than males. Females had an average of 72.9 seconds with a standard deviation of about 15.25, while males had an average of 46 seconds with a standard deviation of about 7.63. CONCLUSION: The hypothesis was proven correct that females can hold a wall sit longer than males. This was expected because females tend to have a higher muscular endurance than males. This means females have the ability to contract muscles against resistance for a longer period of time. Although the hypothesis is correct, there were limitations. These include finding participants in the kinesiology department that workout moderately and were not student athletes.

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