"Hydration and Body Mass" by Madi m. Pomroy, Marcos Keefe et al.


The standard protocol to assess hydration status is by measuring body mass in the early morning without controlling fluid intake. However, obtaining first-morning body mass is not necessarily feasible for many situations, for example, most physical activities take place in the afternoon. Thus, first-morning body mass might not be practical to assess hydration status. PURPOSE: To investigate first-morning body mass versus afternoon body mass in free- living and controlled euhydration. METHODS: 9 males (age: 21 ± 2; mass: 79.7 ± 17.8 kg) and 5 females (age: 22 ± 2; mass: 60.5 ± 13.6 kg) visited the laboratory in the morning (7:00-9:00am) and afternoon (2:00-4:00pm) for six days to measure their nude body mass and urine specific gravity (USG). Participants were in the free-living (FL) condition for the first three consecutive days, and then in a euhydrated (EUH) state (USGRESULTS: There were no interactions between FL and EUH with morning and afternoon in USG (Morning-FL, 1.017±0.005; Afternoon-FL, 1.012±0.006; Morning-EUH, 1.011±0.004; Afternoon-EUH, 1.007±0.004; p=0.390). No statistically significant differences were found between morning and afternoon in both FL and EUH controlled (Morning-FL, 72.7±18.3 kg; Afternoon-FL, 72.0±18.1 kg; Morning-EUH, 72.9±18.1 kg; Afternoon-EUH, 73.1±18.1 kg, p=0.661). CONCLUSION: There is no difference between morning and afternoon body mass, regardless of the hydration status. This means that first morning body mass is no more, or less, accurate than afternoon.



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