

Current published data are inconclusive regarding whether DXA body composition measures of fat, lean, and regional fat mass are predictive of other CVD risk factors. PURPOSE: To determine if DXA measures can be used in a cardiovascular risk-predictive manner to indicate unhealthy levels of circulating lipoproteins in firefighters. METHODS: 256 male firefighters (age=35±10; ht=179±6.6 cm; wt=94±16 kg; BMI=29.9±4.6; fat mass=27.5±10.4 kg; lean mass=63±7.5 kg; gynoid%fat=28.7±6.5%; android%fat=36±11.3%; glucose=85±12.9 mg/dL; SBP=128±9 mmHg) underwent an annual cardiovascular risk profile screening and DXA scan; resting BP was also measured. We drew fasting blood samples, analyzed by a clinically certified lab, to determine glucose, HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. Statistics included simple statistics and Pearson’s correlations. RESULTS:Table (*=p<.01). CONCLUSIONS: Though the correlations were statistically significant, none of the DXA body composition measures explained a physiologically relevant portion of the variance in the CVD risk markers measured. We suggest that factors other than body fat contribute to lipid and blood pressure profiles in firefighters, a population at high risk for CVD.



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