


S. Sander, C. Taisey, K. Sander, J. Cary, Z. Hamer, and B. Higginson

Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA

PURPOSE: To determine whether indirect self-myofascial release (SMR) and static stretching (SS) done together would result in a greater hip range of motion (RoM) than just indirect SMR and SS separately. METHODS: 10 active healthy college students underwent 3 separate treatments consisting of SS, indirect SMR, and SMR+SS. Treatment 1 was SS of the hamstrings under a constant pressure. Treatment 2 was SMR of the underside of the foot via rolling one’s foot on a lacrosse ball. Treatment 3 consisted of treatment 1 and 2 in varying orders depending on the subjects assigned number. Subjects warmed up on a bike for 5 minutes with minimal resistance at the beginning of each visit. A sit and reach score and barefoot squat were performed three times each before each treatment as a baseline. Once the treatment had been performed, an immediate post sit and reach test and barefoot squat were performed three times each. Joint angles at the hip, knee, and ankle were measured during the squat. Each visit thereafter, subjects repeated the same pre and post tests, but had a different treatment to perform in-between. A Repeated Measures ANOVA was conducted for each outcome measure to determine if differences existed between conditions (base, SS, SMR, SMR+SS). RESULTS: SS, SMR, and SMR+SS sit and reach scores were all significantly greater than base sit and reach scores with mean differences (± SD) of 1.676 ± 0.816 cm (p<0.001), 1.547 ± 1.026 cm (p=0.001), and 2.484 ± 1.273 cm (p=0.000), respectively. SMR+SS sit and reach scores were significantly greater than SS sit and reach scores (0.808 ± 0.956 cm, p= 0.026) and SMR sit and reach scores (0.937 ± 0.704 cm, p=0.002). No significant differences were identified between any treatments (base, SS, SMR, or SMR+SS) for hip angle (p= 0.227), knee angle (p= 0.294), or ankle angle (p= 0.586). CONCLUSION: Indirect SMR and SS resulted in a similar increase in sit and reach scores (and thus RoM) when compared to baseline scores. Also, SMR+SS resulted in a significant increase in sit and reach scores (and thus RoM) when compared to indirect SMR and SS alone. This suggests that indirect SMR has the same effect as SS, which means that indirect SMR could be performed instead of SS and possibly yield the same result. Also, SS and SMR can be used together to achieve possibly greater ROM at the hip. Further research should be done to investigate if indirect SMR and SS increase ROM while performing a full depth squat.

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