


C. Brewer1, C.D. Woodyard2, D.E. Waddell3

1Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA, 2Tallahatchie General Hospital, Charleston, MS, 3University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS

PURPOSE: To examine relationships between indices of energy expenditure (EE) and body composition (BC). METHODS: BodyMedia SenseWear PRO2 Armband (SP2) (Innerview Research Software Version 4.1) was used to examine four mean indices of EE collected in college-aged males (n=21) over two 3-day periods (T1, T2): total energy expenditure (TEE, kcal), active energy expenditure (AEE, kcal), physical activity duration (PA, mins), and number steps per day (STPS). SP2 collected data once per minute, and AEE data were based on 2.5 METS. EE was measured in conjunction with DXA BC assessment (Hologic Delphi-W; Bedford, MA). Total body bone mineral content (BMC, g), lean tissue (LT, g), fat (%, g), and fat-free mass index (FFMI, kg/m2) were assessed aspects of BC. Protein (g), calcium (mg) and vitamin D (mcg) intake were assessed using the Nutrition Data System for Research. Simple correlation was used to examine associations between EE and BC indices. RESULTS: Data from participants with an on-body SP2 duration of <75% and/or <3 days during either T1 or T2 were excluded from analyses (T1 n=18; T2 n=16). EE indices consistently demonstrated moderate to strong correlations with one another across T1 (r=0.64–0.91; p<0.004) and T2 (r=0.60–0.90; p<0.013). BMC (T1=2900.4+457.2; T2=2923.5+400.6) was consistently correlated with TEE (T1=3036.9+576.6; r=0.86, p<0.001; T2=3215.1+544.2; r=0.75; p=0.001), AEE (T1=1057.9+558.2; r=0.66, p=0.003; T2=1254.5+569.9; r=0.54; p=0.031), and calcium (T1=1026.6+419.9; r=0.56, p=0.015; T2=1025.7+332.9; r=0.57; p=0.021) but was only correlated to STPS during T1 (9021.6+3066.3; r=0.58, p=0.011). LT (T1=60924.2+7441.5; T2=61576.5+6799.2) was consistently correlated to TEE (T1= r=0.68, p=0.002; T2= r=0.76; p=0.001) and demonstrated significant associations with calcium during T1 (r=0.62; p=0.007) and protein during T2 (136.2+82.8; r=0.53; p=0.037). FFMI (T1=19.6+1.7; T2=19.7+1.7) was moderately correlated with TEE during T1 (r=0.47; p=0.049) and T2 (r=0.51; p=0.045) as well as AEE during T2 (r=0.51; p=0.042). Indices of FAT (%,g) only demonstrated inverse correlations to EE during T2. FAT% (17.3+5.1) was inversely associated with AEE (r=-0.57; p=0.023), PA (205.1+72.6 min; r=-0.81; p<0.001), and STPS (10832.8+3650.7; r=-0.63; p=0.008). FATg (13756.6+4888.4) was inversely associated with PA (r=-0.74; p=0.001) and STPS (r=-0.59; p=0.015). CONCLUSIONS: TEE was the EE index that consistently demonstrated significant associations with BC indices. Only during T2 were associations between EE indices and FAT seen. MPA was not associated with any BC index nor was vitamin D associated with BMC during either T1 or T2.

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