A. Glenn, K. Doyle, A. Smith, E. Osborne, J. Tran, J. McKenzie
Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
There is limited information on how individuals select recovery times and the subsequent impact on performance. PURPOSE: To investigate subjects’ ability to self-select a rest time that maintains sprint performance and identify physiological cues used in the evaluation of recovery. METHODS: A counterbalanced, repeated-measures design was used. 12 male subjects (21 ± 1.21 yr) completed experimental (S) and control (C) trials, consisting of two consecutive Wingate tests (W1, W2) on a cycle ergometer with a predetermined recovery time of 3 min (PDT) or a self-selected recovery time (SST). Ventilation, heart rate, blood pressure and blood lactate were measured at rest, after W1, and at the end of recovery (PDT or SST). RESULTS: When subjects indicated they were ready for W2, breathing frequency (BF, 23.70 ± 7.84 breaths/min) was not different from rest (18.90 ± 4.11 breaths/min, p=.670), however, tidal volume (Vt, 1.73 ± 0.61 L) was still elevated above rest (0.95 ± 0.25 L, p=.002). The SST (341.67 ±28.47 s) was longer than the PDT of 3 min (p=.001). After a recovery time of 295.42 ± 69.18 s, peak power (PP) in W2C (784.90 ± 129.91 W) was lower than W1C (911.29 ± 168.94 W, p=.008). However, after a recovery time of 453.33 ± 89.18 s, the PP in W2S (843.22 ±175.21 W) was not different form the PP in W1S (931.22 ± 190.80 W, p=.093). The percent change in Vtfrom rest to recovery best explained the %∆ in PP (%∆ PP = -23.913 + .120 (Vt), F(1,10)=39.960, p=.000, R2=.800). CONCLUSION: Subjects appeared to have monitored BF by waiting for it to return to rest before indicating they felt recovered, however, it did not prove to be an effective indicator of recovery because the selected recovery time corresponded to a decrease in sprint performance. Conversely, Vtmay be a better indicator of recovery due to its relationship with %∆PP and its ability to take into account differences between subjects more so than time alone. Tidal volume was still elevated at the selected recovery time, suggesting incomplete recovery and the potential to be monitored when evaluating recovery.
Recommended Citation
Glenn, A; Doyle, K; Smith, A; Osborne, E; Tran, J; and McKenzie, J
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings: Vol. 8:
7, Article 77.
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