Publication Date

Summer 2016

Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Jie Zhang (Director), Carl Myers, and Tony Norman

Degree Program

Department of Psychology

Degree Type

Specialist in Education


This study examined the trend of ten dropout indicators between various grade levels and focused on those indicators that can be changed, such as attendance or grades, versus those factors that cannot be changed by the student (i.e., their socioeconomic status). The study consisted of 111 Race-to-the-Top Schools from 22 districts in the Green River Regional Educational Cooperative (GRREC) and the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative (OVEC) in Kentucky. A total of 18,072 students in fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, and eleventh grades completed the 10-item dropout indicator survey. Results of the Chi-square analysis indicate that percentages of agreement on most of the ten dropout indicators increase by grade with some exceptions (e.g., repeated a grade and referrals). Overall, academic and non-academic factors were of equal importance for most of the grades surveyed. However, ninth grade students were twice as likely to report non-academic factors over academic.


Child Psychology | School Psychology
