Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Gary Dillard, Rudolph Prins, Kenneth Nicely

Degree Program

Department of Biology

Degree Type

Master of Science


A systematic survey of the algal flora (excluding Class Bacillariophyceae) of Foster's Pond, Allen County, Kentucky, was conducted from January 29, 1970, to March 25, 1971. Physical and chemical data were taken in order to characterize the quality of the water and examine its relationships to floral composition and periodicity insofar as the level of discrimination employed permitted.

A total of 119 taxa representing five divisions were identified. Twenty-five of these were previously unreported for the State of Kentucky.

Members of the Division Chlorophyta, which composed 66.4% of all the identified taxa, dominated the flora throughout the year. Desmid and chlorococcalean taxa, respectively, were the most conspicuous components of this group. The second most commonly represented division was the Euglenophyta which was followed in abundance by the Chrysophyta and the Cyanophyta which were equally represented. The Division Pyrrhophyta had the fewest representatives.

Floral diversity increased rather markedly from midsummer through fall and was at a minimum during winter and spring. By October, 1970, the Chlorophyta, which at this time made up 67% of the flora, was itself composed of 38% chlorococcalean taxa and 52% desmid taxa.

Accompanying the floristic changes from late fall to winter was a reduction in the number of taxa collected and the appearance of several species not previously noted. These were primarily members of the Chrysophyceae, Cryptophyceae, and Xanthophyceae.

Throughout the year the more prevalent phytoplankters included Volvox aureus, Dinobryon sertularia, and Ceratium hirundinella. V. aureus was favored by cool water temperatures, from 4 C to 15 C, and apparent organic enrichment of the water. The preferred temperature range (4 C to 26 C) of D. sertularia was considerably greater. There were indications that this phytoplankter was suppressed by maxima of other phytoplankters, one of which was Ceratium hirundinella. In contrast to V. aureus and D. sertularia, Ceratium hirundinella was found to be a summer form not occurring at temperatures below 15 C.

The flora of the littoral zone was quite diverse. The rich variety of desmids was attributed, in part, to the relatively soft water. A period of stagnation and decomposition, as indicated by fluctuations in pH, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide content of the water, also seemed to favor the occurrence of many desmid taxa as well as euglenoids.

Members of the Chlorococcales were favored by warm water temperatures. The soft water may also have been conducive to growth of these forms.


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