Publication Date


Degree Program

Department of Psychology

Degree Type

Master of Arts in Industrial and Organizational Psychology


Volunteerism plays an important role in modern American society with benefits accruing to the community and individuals who volunteer. This thesis evaluated the first year of operation of the ALIVE Center (A Local Information and Volunteer Exchange) by addressing four objectives of the program with data obtained from the ALIVE Center. To meet its first objective, the ALIVE Center maintains a current database of local human service organizations. The second objective, to establish a resource center and provide referrals and information to 1,000 people, was achieved. The third objective of maintaining a website was also met. Matching over 200 volunteers with local service programs, the fourth objective, was easily exceeded. Thus, each of the objectives was clearly met, indicating that the initial year of operation of the ALIVE Center was successful.


Industrial and Organizational Psychology | Psychology
