
Creation Date
Other Names - Regents Hall
Date Built - 1957
Cost of Construction - $580,000
Gross Square Feet - 39,611 (1969)
Architects - Robert & Johnson, Owensboro, KY
Georgia Bates (1916-1986), native of Alvaton, came to WKU in 1956 as executive secretary to President Kelly Thompson and was named assistant to the president in 1966. Upon Etta Runner's retirment in 1963, Bates was named as third secretary to the WKU Board of Regents. She transferred to the College Heights Founation in 1969, serving as executive secretary-treasurer from 1973 until her retirement in 1980.
Etta Runner (1894-1971) second secretary for WKU Board of Regents was a Warren County native. She attended WKU receiving a teaching certificate ca. 1916 and taught in Warren County rural schools. Returning to Bowling Green, Etta enrolled in Bowling Green Business University. Henry Cherry hired her as a secretary August 13, 1924. Upon Mattie McLean's retirement in 1945, Ms. Runner became the secretary for the Board of Regents, a position she held until her own retirement in April 1963. Etta Runner remained in Bowling Green until her death March 12, 1971.
Originally named Regents Hall, it is appropriate that the Regents renamed the building after two of their secretaries in 1969. The four story dorm was built to house 180 female students. Also included were four efficiency apartments on the first floor that would serve as temporary housing to new faculty. Funding was secured from the Federal Housing & Home Finance Agency.
Press release - New Residence Hall for Women
This beautiful masonry and steel structure is located at Sixteenth Street and Russellville Road. It was designed by Roberts and Johnson, Architects of Owensboro, Kentucky, and built by Murphy and Jones, Contractors of Bowling Green.
It is truly modern in every respect and houses 180 girls with an apartment for the director and four apartments facing Sixteenth Street for faculty families.
Construction was started in June, 1958 and completed and occupied in September of 1959. Funds for this building were made available by the Federal Housing and Home Agency. It is one of the most attractive dormitories on the campus as well as being one of the most modern and durable structures. UA30/1/2 Box 5 F9
2001 - the Bate Shop opened
2002 - hair salon moved into basement
Park City Daily News:
"Dorm is Accepted by College," July 1959
Harvey, Alyssa. "Hair Apparent," Jan. 22, 2002
"New Residence Hall for Western Women Inspected," June 3, 1959
Biographical Articles:
Conway, Sheila. "Georgia!," Western Alumnus, Winter 1980.
"Etta Runner Retired WKU Employee, Dies," Park City Daily News, March 14, 1971
"Georgia Bates Dies; Her Western Career Spanned Three Decades," Park City Daily News, July 21, 1986.
"Honored for Service," Park City Daily News, March 6, 1989 - Georgia Bates
"Miss Etta Jane Runner," Western Alumnus, Summer 1971.
Wildman, Judy. "Two WKU Posts Filled; Miss Bates Steps Down," Park City Daily News, Oct. 30, 1977.
Western Kentucky University