"Belize Tertiary School Libraries: A Needs-Assessment Survey" by Mary Margaret (Peggy) Wright

DLPS Faculty Publications


Institutions studied include St. John's College (Belize), Belize Teacher's College, Belize College of Agriculture, Corozal Junior College, Stann Creek Ecumenical College, University College of Belize, Belize School of Nursing, University of the West Indies, Society for the Promotion of Education and Research, Belize Technical College, Doctor's Library.


Having come to the end of a ten-year study of Belize developing libraries, the Belize government asked for a survey of all the tertiary school libraries within the country. The government purpose centered around the number and caliber of staff, book/journal collections, student use and adequacy of the facility housing the collections. When adequacy of any of the above failed criteria, they asked for recommendations for improvement within the eleven schools visited. Thanks to the United States Information Agency’s Academic Specialist Award, the study, followed by training workshops, took place from February 3-6, 1990. Text of the entire study follows.


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | International and Comparative Education | Library and Information Science | Other Education
