WKU TopScholar Institutional Repository

For submission directly to TopSCHOLAR® you will need to fill out the TopSCHOLAR submission form.

Submit the document file(s) as attachments to topscholar@wku.edu.

Files can include any files that you hold or have obtained copyright permission for:

  • Articles in MSWord or .rtf format (Digital Commons generates a title page and PDF). If not published before, generally use Times Roman, 12 point.
  • Articles in PDF format
  • PowerPoint (.pps or .ppt)
  • Video files [please advise on acceptable formats]
  • Audio files [please advise on acceptable formats]
  • Image files (.jpg or .tif or PDF)
  • Copyright permissions from third parties as needed, use the TopSCHOLAR submission form.

For articles being submitted to a journal hosted by TopSCHOLAR®, please ignore submission instructions above and use the submission form or guidelines listed on the journal’s homepage. A list of all journals hosted by TopSCHOLAR® can be found at Journals & Peer-Reviewed Series (Note: not all journals may be open for submission.)