"Jameson, Jennifer Michelle, b. 1987 (FA 567)" by Manuscripts & Folklife Archives

Publication Date



This collection is archived in the Manuscripts & Folklife Archives at Western Kentucky University; 270-745-5083, mssfa@wku.edu


Finding aid and full-text paper (click on "Additional Files" below) for Folklife Archives Project 567. Paper: "A Brief History and Orientation to the Freeman Kitchens Collection" written by Jennifer Michelle Jameson for a folk studies class at Western Kentucky University. Includes photos and an oral interview conducted by Jameson with Kitchens on 24 November 2010 in Drake, Kentucky.


American Material Culture | American Popular Culture | Music

FA 567 JAMESON, Jennifer M - Paper.pdf (1504 kB)
Brief History and Orientation to the Freeman Kitchens Collection

Freeman Kitchens.jpg (164 kB)
Freeman Kitchens Photo

Drake Vintage Music & Curios 4.jpg (1228 kB)
Drake Vintage Music & Curios Photo
