Manuscript Collection Finding Aids
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Finding aid and typescripts (Click on "Additional Files" below) for Manuscripts Small Collection 2251. Letters (31) from Cain to James M. Davis, written mostly during the Civil War from her home and school in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, and from Illinois. A strong Confederate sympathizer, Cain responds to Davis’s support of the Union, criticizes President Abraham Lincoln, and opines freely on love, courtship and marriage. She also writes of mutual friends, family, and social and religious activities. Includes 3 additional letters to Davis from his father, sister, and a friend who writes of an opportunity to manage a store. Also includes brief typescripted summaries of the letters and Cain family information.
American Popular Culture | History | Military History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Folklife Archives, Manuscripts &, "Cain, Bevie Waughn, 1844-1883 (SC 2251)" (2010). Manuscript Collection Finding Aids. Paper 1351.
Bevie Cain letters
Included in
American Popular Culture Commons, Military History Commons, United States History Commons
This collection is archived in the Manuscripts & Folklife Archives at Western Kentucky University; 270-745-5083, mssfa@wku.edu