"Travelstead, Chester Coleman, 1911-2006 (MSS 281)" by Manuscripts & Folklife Archives

Manuscript Collection Finding Aids

Travelstead, Chester Coleman, 1911-2006 (MSS 281)

Manuscripts & Folklife Archives, Western Kentucky University

Document Type Finding Aid

This collection is archived in Manuscripts & Folklife Archives at Western Kentucky University; 270-745-6434; mssfa@wku.edu


Finding aid only for Manuscripts Collection 281. Chiefly personal and professional correspondence, speeches, journal articles, reminiscences, and news clippings of noted educator Chester Coleman Travelstead. Of particular interest are the materials related to his 1955 dismissal from the University of South Carolina owing to his stance on racial integration. Also includes correspondence and diaries of his mother Nelle (Gooch) Travelstead, long-time Western Kekntucky University faculty member.